Projects Madeira N-Lincs

  •  AViR: Adaptive Virtual Reality for coping with involuntary early pregnancy loss (EXPL/CCI-INF/0298/2021)
  • BIO BEX-A – Remote Control Solution for Sludge Treatment Plants Based on Sensors and Application Programs (2021 – 20229. The BIO BEX-A project aims to provide a fully digital and centrally controlled sludge treatment plant,
  • BRANT :Belief Revision applied to Neurorehabilitation Therapy (02/SAICT/2017-030990)
  • CollMi :Collaborative Micro-hubs (2022), The CollMi project aims to integrate FIWARE, iSHARE, and blockchain technologies in developing Collaborative Micro-hubs (CMH) that contribute to a more reliable and sustainable logistics value chain. 
  • Dynamic eGov – ICT Governance (2019 – 2023), This project aims to promote the use of ICT, related to electronic administration, in the Governments of Macaronesia, improving public services, productivity, and effectiveness, as well as information/procedures and services to the citizens. 
  • MACbioIDi2: Promoting the cohesion of Macaronesian regions through a common ICT platform for biomedical R & D & i (INTERREG program MAC2/1.1b/352)
  • MFFiH – Madeira FiiHUB FIWARE iHub (2020 – 2025).A digital innovation hub to promote and support innovative and smart digital solutions in Madeira’s local economy and public administration, 
  • MiColEC: Microhubs Colaborativos para a Economia Circular (2022 – 2023), Improvement of a collaborative logistics micro-hub system, using circular economy, reverse logistics, and game theory concepts.
  • M-KRR-G: Advanced belief change operations based on comparisons and conditionals: Towards a general framework
  • NeuroAugVR: Stroke Neurorehabilitation Augmented by Virtual Reality and EEG-neurofeedback: Neuroimaging-based Validation and Optimization (02/SAICT/2017-031485)
  • ORI: Open Rehabilitation Initiative: Usability and Knowledge Translation (Rutgers – Collaborative International Research Grants).
  • Red GesFoGO : Comprehensive network of forest fire prevention and management through georeferencing in mobile observers (2019 – 2022).
  • Smart Islands Hub: Digital Innovation Hub in Madeira. It has been recognized as one of the seventeen DIHs that are part of the official network of Portuguese DIH and has been appointed by the Portuguese government to apply to be integrated into the European network of DIHs.
  • Tidy CityThe Tidy City experiment proposes to equip vehicles with mobile devices to take pictures and later process them to detect and classify problems in publicly visible infrastructures automatically. The data will be shared with each corresponding partner for integration and operations optimization.