
The EEI promotes and maintains the modeling standard DEMO (Design and Engineering Methodology for Organizations) that follows our published theories and has been used in practice in many projects worldwide.

ARDITI’s Enterprise Engineering Lab (EELab) is a research laboratory dedicated to the development and practical application of the scientific discipline of EE. To this end, EELab has been applying, in several projects funded by regional, national, and European funds, EE modeling techniques (DEMO language) to transpose organizational reality into process diagrams, workflows, responsibilities, and ontology of facts. These techniques allow the implementation of more informed organizational change and optimization, as well as more effective and complete identification of requirements for IT systems. As a result, the incidence of systems failing to meet organizations’ real needs and expectations is reduced.

EELab is also developing a low-code platform, which enables the direct execution of organizational models, allowing a considerable reduction in the effort to develop systems.